So recently on Pinterest I’ve been looking at face cleansing options. At first I thought how in the heck would oil clean my face. TThe more I dug into it the more tempted I was to try.

I have very oily skin  and medium to large size pores. It seems make up never adheres to my skin and in the past as a teenager felt like it always melted off.

The only make up I could ever use is from Mac called studio FX.

Oil cleansing method

I added a few essential oils to my batch of oil like Geranium


The first time I used it felt kind of gross with all the oil on my face. After about a week I really started like the way the texture of my skin felt. One lesson I learned keep this away from your lips. The Castro oil has created such chapped lips that I now have to use gobs of Chapstick.

I use a 50-50 mixture of castor oil and Jojoba oil to combat very oily skin. You might need other oils for dry or balanced skin.

Oil Cleanse

UPDATE…… After 60 days I am hooked. I will never get back to traditional face cleansing and soap. This works perfect for me and my make up has never sat on my face better. I hope you give it a try and post your comments below.

UPDATE…….Its been about a year now and my skin feels great. Looks good , no breakouts and less oily though out the day.

I will be 44 this year ! My skin has never felt better !